sabato 21 aprile 2018

My wargaming projects

Some thoughts about my wargaming projects.

As looks evident from my previous posts, the Italian Risorgimento is a primary interest for me wargaming-wise, especially regarding scenarios and playing games (mainly with Neil Thomas' Wargaming 19th Century Europe rules). Can't do much about it now regarding minis, because 1/72 plastics scale there're very few kits that touch this topic and those who do are not easy to come by. Of course there're good 28mm (Mirliton, Cibo's Little Dudes, Gringo40s...) or 15mm (Mirliton) metal sets, but the cost (especially for 28mm) compared to 1/72 plastics is a no go.

Another two projects concern Napoleonics and eventually 7 Years War, both (especially Napoleonic) are well covered in 1/72 and I already own several sets, which I'm currently painting at a slow pace and use for proxies for 1848. I'm still thinking about which ruleset to use, however.

Finally, I'm considering Colonial warfare, in particular Italy vs Dervishes and Italy vs Ethiopians in the 1880s-1890s. Few proper 1/72 options exists, but British colonials could work as acceptable proxies for Italian regulars, while Egyptians and Sudanese regulars could work for Askaris. I guess I may find something valid for Ethiopians somewhere... Dervishes are instead already covered. Besides, the same minis could work for other Colonial theaters too (Sudan, NWF, Zulu Wars...). Rules would be The Men Who Would Be Kings (TMWWBK), which I've already ordered and should arrive soon.

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